Everything we’ve been taught about the possible cause(s) of cancer may in fact be wrong. The differentiating factor here could be the striking contrast between trigger versus cause. From a trigger standpoint, yes, there are allopathic (conventional modern medicine) and integrative (natural medicine) theories that acceptably explain a plethora of legitimate contributions within the development of cancer. However, from a causative perspective, there’s very little clarity on its true root cause. That said, regardless of known triggers or contributors to the development of cancer, psycho-emotional trauma could in fact explain why and how cancer occurs in the first place.
Over the past decade in practice, there has been a common scenario that I have been witnessing. It’s not one that I have been purposely seeking out, creating, or trying to force, but rather one that has been repeatedly reappearing so much that I can no longer afford to not fully acknowledge it. What I have been experiencing at a noticeable and greatly accelerated rate is that, regardless of cancer type, stage, prognosis, health history, lifestyle, treatment type, or patient attitude, the connection between cancer development and its ultimate outcome is clearly created by psycho-emotional trauma.
What’s the difference between a trigger and a cause? When it comes to cancer, acceptable triggers can include smoking, poor diet, gene mutations, toxicity, or infections (the list goes one to actually be quite large). A cause of cancer can not be any single or combined trigger as if a trigger was in fact the cause, it would only make sense that all people who experience the same trigger would in fact end up with cancer (ie every smoker does not get lung cancer, or all those with mutated BRCA genes do not all end up with breast or reproductive cancers). Thus, a cause is different than a trigger. Hence, the cause of cancer, by definition, has to exclude all triggers and can only reflect the development and incidence of cancer regardless of any said trigger.
So what about psycho-emotional trauma? Can psycho-emotional trauma in fact be the root cause of cancer? By definition, psycho-emotional trauma is the presence of any unresolved psychological and emotionally driven event that a person experiences within his or her lifetime.
Trauma, of course, is an accepted and predicted part of life. It’s impossible to avoid. That said, in a healthy situation, acute trauma, once experienced, is quickly acknowledged, identified, processed, and resolved. Unfortunately, this is not the common experience. Rather, an event (thought, feeling, experience, interaction) or experience that impacts someone emotionally, is often ignored, not dealt with, repressed/suppressed, or not realized. The longer a psycho-emotional experience is left unprocessed or unaddressed, the more likely it is to morph into and sit untouched within a person’s body, mind and spirit.
There are countless examples in life that can easily turn an acute stressful (or non stressful) event into a long term emotional trauma. For example, a 5 year old boy who experiences being isolated and yelled at by his school teacher in front of his peers; a 9 year old girl who’s left out from the others during playtime or recess; a teenager who experiences a bad breakup with his/her boy/girlfriend; an infant who is left alone to cry all night long; an adult who loses a job; a young girl who becomes frightened and is alone during a thunderstorm; a stranger who puts you down or yells at you for no reason; a person who witnesses a sad news event or a stressful event of another person. The list is actually endless and infinite, and does not have to necessarily reflect an experience that seems (at the time) traumatic at all (ie. a parent who genuinely over-supports a child who ends up becoming enabled as an adult). However, if the person who experienced the initial ‘trauma’ neglects to properly acknowledge, understand, process and release the event within his/her psyche, it will begin to settle deeper and deeper into a person’s life, and will likely and ultimately build, influence and effect how a person thinks, responds to, and feels about various aspects of life as well as who that person becomes.
So how does psycho-emotional trauma turn into cancer?
The theory is that as an unresolved psycho-emotional trauma becomes repressed within a persons body over time (ie. have you ever been nervous and felt butterflies in your stomach? How about general stress being felt in tight shoulder or neck muscles? What about years of irregular bowels due since experiencing a stress in life? How about decades of insomnia since losing a loved one?). Specific unprocessed events tend to have an affinity for specific areas of the body. As the event turns into chronic stress, and chronic stress grows into an unresolved life trauma, the nervous system will ‘send it’ to a certain area of the body according to its affiliation to the event itself. When it comes to cancer, as the nervous system is the system in which our feelings and emotions are most closely connected to, it will take that unresolved emotional trauma and isolate it to a specific part of the body. As time goes on, and the longer the event-emotion is unresolved, the part of the body to which it has been designated, will slowly begin to dysfunction and die. An example of this is an adult who grew up with significant unresolved anger and frustration in life. Often times, if cancer rears its head, it ends up developing in the liver. Over time, the liver becomes dysfunctional, and slowly begins to die (presence of tumours and lack of ability to do its job).
The psycho-emotional theory of cancer is much more nuanced and detailed then what I have begun to explain, however the gist is that regardless of a person’s health or the presence or absence of triggers, cancer is likely to occur if the psycho-emotional trauma remains unresolved. This theory also highlights that psycho-emotional trauma is the only variable which is present in any single individual creating the potential of being the underlying root cause of cancer.
How can psycho-emotional trauma be resolved?
This topic of conversation requires a much more in depth discussion. Fortunately and ultimately, there are tried and true methods to help you resolve the root cause. I have witnessed, with my own two eyes, patients who have worked through the resolution process and who have both healed and cured both early and late stage cancers. Yes, this is the ever so common experience I have been witnessing at such an accelerated pace within my practice. Recently, I watched a patient finally identify her root cause trauma and, within one week, I watched her large, aggressive and multiple tumours on her neck completely disappear. Most recently, I witnessed a patient with stage 3 colon cancer’s large tumour in her bowels not only shrink (which was her hope and intent) but actually completely disappear within 3 months. I have countless examples as of late, which is why I can no longer ignore the fact that unresolved emotional trauma is cancers root cause. Of course, I also acknowledge the impact of both allopathic and integrative cancer care, however I can confidently and clearly state that the difference between those who I’ve seen heal versus those who have not, regardless of all other variables, is due to those who have resolved their psycho-emotional trauma versus those who have yet to resolve theirs.