Your Health Advocate

Dr Jeremy has a passion for keeping health simple and is fully devoted to inspiring others to do the same.
The meaning of good health comes in many forms. For some, it’s about feeling well and having energy to keep up with the kids. For others, it’s about being able to get out there to see the world. Yet for others, it’s all about enjoying life in the moment. Whatever it is that good health means to you, one thing is for sure, having your health is the cornerstone to fulfilling the life that you’re meant to live.
Dr Jeremy is dedicated to understanding what’s important to you and helping create the path to get you there.
You have a life to live, things to do and people to see. The last thing you want is for your health to get in the way and slow you down. Life is short, it’s meant to be lived. No matter what it is that makes you happy, good health can be second nature so that you have the time to live the life you’ve always wanted.
Life should be simple. So should your approach to health.
Unfortunately, life nor health is always easy. With that in mind, there’s always an answer and always a simple approach to get you there. Dr Jeremy works hard on your behalf, as your health advocate, to ensure that you can make this happen. As complicated as life gets, Dr Jeremy knows that the opportunity to better your health does exist, and getting you there is simpler than you may think.
Dr Jeremy’s sheer enthusiasm for simplicity of health has always been a constant in his life. His sincerity to live as simple, natural and healthful as possible is the foundation by which his passion rests.

As an avid naturalist, Dr Jeremy can be found surrounding himself with his family in nature; camping, hiking, grounding or sitting by the water on his days off, or simply exploring the beauty that Nova Scotia has to offer. To Dr Jeremy, optimal health is a commitment to living one with nature through integrating consistent preventative lifestyle factors as well as turning inward to understand & connect with ones true self, with that of both traditional and leading edge health promoting therapies; in the most simple yet effective approach possible.
“It’s critical that there is a clear and effective parallel between what one does in the approach to both life and health, so much so that happiness, trust and consistency must plainly intertwine the two”.
~ Dr Jeremy Hayman
Dr Jeremy Hayman is a professional member in good standing with the Oncology Association of Naturopathic Physicians (OncANP), Canadian Association of Naturopathic Doctors (CAND), the Nova Scotia Association of Naturopathic Doctors (NSAND), and licensed with the College of Naturopathic Doctors of Alberta (CNDA).